Friday, March 14, 2008


so i got a message today from my brother Andez or (DEZ) as he is known on this blogsite saying that mutant chronicles had been released and that they had used some of are designs we had did for fantasy flight games back in back in march of 06 and here they are.with the conceptart aswell who ever took these pics thanks! THE CONCEPTS OF THE BIOGIANT,TORMENTOR,AND TEKRON WARMASTER WERE DONE BY ANDEZ GASTON AND THE TECHNOMANCER BY MYSELF (ANDERSON GASTON-AG)THESE ARE THE ONLY DESIGNS I'VE SEEN SO FAR THAT WERE USED UNTILL I SEE THE OTHER FIGURES I'LL KEEP THE OTHER CONCEPTS STORED SAFELY AWAY FOR NOW-AG.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

project number 1-TMK

maybe it would work as a graphic novel. After watching Itchi the killer and Grindhouse I was wondering what would happen if Takashi Miike ,Quentin Tarantino,and Robert Rodriguez all joined up to make another Gind house movie I guess it would be a triple feature with uber violence ,random exploisions, badass cars, and Babes. I got a ticket reserved for that event.-_- my original paint that jump started this twisted idea 0_0

well the concept is inspired by the seven samurai if you have'nt seen it yet go check it there was a western version of it as well better known as the magnificent seven.well now that you get what i'm talking about this project is kindof like that..... only reversed. more conceptart to come.-AG

personal projects-AG

it been a while since the last post.been kind of busy and taking some time off from drawing stuff for others to work on some personal projects of mine.